With No Prior Painting Experience, This Woman Made Thousands After Taking One Painting Class. 

On one spring Saturday morning, a lady named Laurel came into the studio to take my palette knife painting class. Laurel was an interior designer who had become burned out from the business, so her husband bought her a palette knife painting class with me. She had never taken a painting class before my workshop (okay, the paintings done in elementary school don’t count). But she came to my class wide-eyed—excited yet anxious to begin. Being the great artist I am, (wink wink) I taught the 4 hour class successfully without a hitch. The class was so good that all the students raved about how much they learned from the workshop. Some even contacted me later to thank me again about all the techniques they learned in the class.  But here’s the kicker I’ve never seen or heard from Laurel again until about 6 months later at an outdoor art show I was participating in. To my surprise, she was setting up a tent at the same art show. As, I walked over to her tent to say hi and my mouth dropped. Her tent was filled with small, medium and large beautiful paintings all done with a palette knife. All her paintings were bold, colorful and full of texture. (You know me, I love me some texture!) Still in disbelief. She greeted me with a smile and told me that because of my class she started painting and selling her work. Amazed and honored from her compliment I was still in awe of the amazing artwork that flooded her tent. We continue to chit chatted for a bit and then headed my way back to my tent.  As I was walking back to my tent, it hit me. Here’s someone with no painting experience who took my class, applied what they learned, developed their own style, and started making money from it. AMAZING! So, why am I sharing this story? I bring this story up to let you know that if a person with no painting experience can take one painting class with me and start creating amazing painting (and selling more paintings than me, I might add), than you can too. The cool thing is, instead of coming to a live painting class that last over 4 hours or more, you can learn the same thing in my online Palette Knife Painting Course.  My course teaches you all the ins and outs of painting various types of genres using only the palette knife. There are over 30 videos giving you step by step tutorials on creating successful paintings using the palette knife. You can view them anytime and anywhere on any device.   You don’t need a lot of supplies for the course. Just a palette knife, a few colors and a surface to paint on, and you are ready to go. Now I’ve sold my painting course from 397 to 297 but today you can get if for 97 bucks. The videos are yours for a lifetime. Hell, I may even add more videos to the course as time goes on. Any-who, you don’t have to repurchase the course two years later. These videos will always be yours and at your disposal when ever you need them. Whether you're like Laurel—someone with no painting experience—or someone with a lot of experience, I assure you that after practicing a few painting techniques shown in the tutorials, you will be creating amazing paintings in no time. You could even start selling your work within the next few months, just like Laurel. Believe me, as I said before, if she can do it, so can you!  -Ahmad Austin

Click the buy button below to start creating stunning palette knife paintings and turn your art into income!

Money Back Guarantee After 30 days.   -Ahmad Austin



When I made my first video, I hated my voice with a passion. Every time I played it back, I would cringe at the sound of it. But a few weeks later, someone from the course told me they loved my voice and found it relaxing. She even said she sometimes plays my videos just to listen to my voice while she’s cleaning up. Freaky, huh?